Thursday, June 12, 2008

lists lists and more lists - I have a menu list for the wedding I have a grocery list for the wedding I have a list of things to do before the wedding - I have a list of things to do at the house and a list of things I need to do at work before I leave - don't get me wrong - I like lists but I almost need a list of my lists! THEN - not really related but I found this website - I kind of like the idea:,9171,1812048,00.html - how to live with only 100 things - could you do it? HMMM - my sister pointed out that she "had to have" 11 things and she was not even dressed for the day yet.....I chuckled. Tonights plans include taking Blake to Mulberry Grove, going to Shawns ball game, unpack a few boxes and maybe a load of laundry -

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